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I’m Ashley White, 

Inviting women to live FULLY ALIVE & FULLY FREE.

I’m an expert at emotional healing and embodiment work, a freak when it comes to the mind-body connection, and obsessed with healing financial wounds so they can live fully alive in their whole body, their whole whole breath, and their whole being.


It’s my life mission to help women clear secret blocks, embody their true identity, and embrace their new wealth and health (mind-body-spirit) liberation.

I love watching woman begin to believe in themselves again, and reclaim their drive to take consistent action towards their dreams so they can experience freedom and abundance in their life and business.

Quick Facts

As a Certified Holistic Health, Wealth, and Wellness Coach, I have helped countless women get physically, spiritually, and emotionally healthy over the years. But, I am no stranger to the struggles so many women walkthrough. 

For years, I struggled with my weight, worth, significance, and purpose. I‘ve experienced the grueling pain of divorce and death. I’ve been rejected and overlooked more times than I care to recount. 

I lived in a cycle of emotional eating - shame – and fear which I deeply believed would never end. For most of my life, I spoke up and no one listened! It seemed when I shared my heart I was misunderstood or no one cared.

I took chances and got rejected. 

I learned early on; my words had no effect, so I stopped speaking up; my feelings caused problems, so I buried them; my worth was something I had to earn, so I got to work.


I spent so many years silently screaming until I had no voice. The outside looked good, but inside I felt like I was dying. It was a slow death choking out my truest-self. Once I allowed that death to fully take root, I wasn’t sure if the real me would ever be found again. 

 I lived asleep. 

Life pounded, pulled, pierced, and polluted my heart. I kept resisting the feelings and stuffing down the pain. I learned quickly that crying was a sign of weakness and emotions were for wimps. 


I buried all of my emotions and in the process of going through the motions, I built a wall around my heart to protect me from the pain, disappointment, and shame. 

I began living behind a false facade – I put on a mask and became what I thought everyone else wanted me to be. 

I was living dead. 


Until God began to wake me up at the deepest levels. 

The Divine walked me through:

  • Divorce

  • MAJOR health issues

  • The deaths of two significant loved ones

..and with every loss, trial, and dark time my Creator met me with love and healing….healing I didn’t even realize I needed. 

As God was working in me, I began to study. 

I studied health and became a certified Health Coach.

I studied financial liberation and became a certified Wealth Coach. 

I studied stress and the emotional freedom technique.

I studied the mind-body connection and how our bodies keep the real score.

I studied somatic movement and embodiment work.

I studied emotions and began to learn more about mother and father wounds. 

I began to clear generational bloodlines and paradigms. I began to release deep emotions that were stuck in my body. i began to truly heal my mind, body, and spirit.

Today, I am here to be a catalyst for women by activating breakthrough and liberation

so they can live their lives with conviction, certainty, and vision…



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